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Output View Guide

After completing the optimization process in Convect AI’s IBP software, the Output View tab is activated for the plan file. This view presents the optimization results in a spreadsheet format, allowing you to analyze the outputs across various aspects of your supply chain, such as production schedules, material requirements, inventory levels, demand fulfillment, and costs.

The Output View consists of several sheets, each corresponding to a different part of the optimization results. Below is a guide to understanding the structure of these sheets and the key columns within them.

1. Master Production Schedule

This sheet provides the production plan for each site and production line across the planning periods.

  • Site Name: The facility where the product is being produced.
  • Production Line ID: The specific production line used for manufacturing the product.
  • Product Name: The name of the product being produced.
  • BOM Code: The Bill of Materials code associated with the product’s production.
  • 1 Column per Period: Each period column shows the quantity of the product that will be produced during that time period.

2. Material Requirement Plan

This sheet outlines the material requirements needed at each site to fulfill the production plan.

  • Site Name: The facility where the materials are required.
  • Product Name: The raw material or component needed for production.
  • 1 Column per Period: Each period column shows the quantity of the material required during that period.

3. Inventory Movement

This sheet tracks the movement of inventory at each site, including production and transportation flows.

  • Product Name: The product or material being tracked.
  • Site Name: The location where inventory movements occur.
  • Time Period: The period for which the data is reported.
  • End of Period Inventory: The amount of inventory remaining at the end of the period.
  • Gap: The difference between the target inventory and the actual end-of-period inventory.
  • Inbound Transportation Flow: The amount of product transported into the site from other locations.
  • Outbound Transportation Flow: The amount of product shipped from the site to other locations.
  • Inbound Production Flow: The amount of product produced at the site.
  • Outbound Production Flow: The amount of product moved out for distribution or storage.

4. Inventory Target Achievement

This sheet compares the actual inventory levels with the target inventory for each site and product.

  • Site Name: The location where the inventory is tracked.
  • Product Name: The specific product being monitored.
  • Time Period: The period for which the data is reported.
  • Target Inventory: The desired inventory level for the site during the period.
  • End of Period Inventory: The actual amount of inventory available at the end of the period.

5. Demand Fulfillment

This sheet shows how well customer demand was met, including both regular and special demand.

  • Product Name: The name of the product being tracked.
  • Site Name: The location where demand occurs.
  • Time Period: The period for which demand data is reported.
  • Demand Type: Indicates whether the demand is regular (DEMAND) or special (SPECIAL_DEMAND).
  • Fulfilled Quantity: The quantity of demand that was successfully fulfilled.
  • Gap: The difference between the demand quantity and the fulfilled quantity.

6. Cost Analysis

This sheet breaks down the costs associated with production, purchasing, holding inventory, and transportation for each site and product.

  • Site Name: The facility where the costs are incurred.
  • Product Name: The specific product being tracked.
  • Time Period: The period for which cost data is reported.
  • Site Type: Whether the site is a production or distribution facility.
  • Product Type: The type of product (e.g., finished product or raw material).
  • Holding Cost: The cost of holding inventory at the site.
  • Purchasing Cost: The cost of purchasing raw materials or products.
  • Production Cost: The cost of manufacturing the product at the site.
  • Total Cost: The total cost incurred at the site, including production, purchasing, and holding costs.

7. Capacity Utilization

This sheet shows the capacity utilization of each production line, helping to identify under- or over-utilization.

  • Production Line ID: The unique identifier for the production line.
  • Time Period: The period for which the capacity data is reported.
  • Actual Capacity Used: The number of units produced on the production line during the period.
  • Capacity Utilization: The ratio of the line’s capacity that was used during the period.
  • Min Capacity: The minimum required capacity for the line.
  • Max Capacity: The maximum available capacity for the line.
  • Below Min Capacity Gap: The difference between the actual capacity used and the minimum required capacity (if the line was underutilized).
  • Above Max Capacity Gap: The difference between the actual capacity used and the maximum available capacity (if the line was over-utilized).

8. Transportation Plan

This sheet outlines the transportation of products between different regions and sites.

  • Origin Region: The region where the product originates.
  • Origin Site Name: The site from which the product is shipped.
  • Destination Region: The region where the product is delivered.
  • Destination Site Name: The site receiving the shipment.
  • Product Name: The name of the product being transported.
  • Time Period: The period during which the transportation occurs.
  • Transport Quantity: The quantity of product transported from the origin to the destination.
  • Intra-region Production Quantity: The amount of product produced and distributed within the same region.
  • Transportation Cost: The cost of transporting the product between the origin and destination.

The Output View provides a detailed breakdown of your supply chain’s performance across production, materials, inventory, costs, and transportation. This data allows you to analyze how well the optimization process performed and provides valuable insights for making further adjustments to your supply chain plans.